Book Reviews

The Quilting Bee: The Amish of Ephrata (Volume 2)-Review

The Quilting Bee The Amish of EphrataIn the second installment of The Amish of Ephrata titled The Quilting Bee, Susie Byler is up to her old tricks. She certainly is not a one trick pony by any means! Priscilla Smucker is once again her target and Susie seems to enjoy target practicing until she is blue in the face. During what should be one of the happiest times of her life, Priscilla is hit with even more rumors, which are meant to tarnish her reputation within the community. That Priscilla is one tough cookie because she has been on one long journey down the high road. I found myself wanting to give her a big bear hug but also a good shake and say speak up…..shout from the rooftops your side of the rumors! The more I think about it though not shouting and just keeping calm is what makes Priscilla such a lovable character. Sometimes less is more but in this particular case of bullying keeping quiet could have ruined a relationship which was only just beginning to blossom. Rumors can start out as a spark and catch fire quickly burning everything within reach whether it’s the intended target or innocent bystanders. I have enjoyed getting to know Sarah’s characters and I do hope you will take the time to read Pricilla’s story which starts with The Tomato Patch. I guarantee you will be thinking of these characters long after you are finished turning the last page……

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