Book Reviews

Rumspringa’s Hope – A Refreshing Story of Seeking God’s Will – Review by Susan Scott Ferrell

Rumspringas Hope Beth ShriverI’ve been reading Amish fiction for quite some time now and Beth Shriver’s name has started popping up in various reading circles, but I had yet to read any of her writings. When I was given an opportunity to read her novel, Rumspringa’s Hope (first in her Spirit of the Amish series), I was curious to see if she would be up to par with the other authors I have come to enjoy. I had my answer within the first couple of pages – Rumspringa’s Hope was going to be good….and I was going to be doing some serious late-night reading!

Rumspringa’s Hope tells the story of Emma Miller, a young Amish woman who accompanies her brother on his rumspringa to the great big city of Philadelphia. Although Emma tries to keep an eye on her brother, her real desire is to share her faith with others. With her old flame, Caleb, living in Philadelphia and shepherding the latest group of rumspringers, and Zeb, to whom she is promised back home, Emma finds herself at a major fork in the road – not just with her relationships, but her very inmost being and who God wants her to be.

I was given Rumspringa’s Hope in exchange for my honest review. I was pleasantly surprised. This was an unusual storyline for this genre, but it worked – and I found it very compelling and heartwarming. I must say, I was a tad disappointed when the last page came – I was not ready for the story to end! I cannot wait to read the next book in this series, Love’s Abundant Harvest. In the meantime, be sure to read Rumspringa’s Hope. You won’t be disappointed!

To Purchase a Copy of Rumspringa’s Hope Click Here

Susan Ferrell and her husband make their home in the Atlanta Metro area. Although Susan struggles with chronic migraine headaches, she stays very busy as a stay-at-home mom to one very precocious little girl. While catching her breath, she feeds her Amishaholic tendencies by reading vast amounts of Amish literature!

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