Book Reviews

Amish Faith – I Believe! ~ review by Susan Scott Ferrell

Amish FaithI had a jewel sitting on my bookshelf for quite some time. I had great intentions of reading Amish Faith, but somehow other books, other priorities – life – just won out in the end. So here I was, on a non-descript day, in search of what to read next, when I came across Sarah Price’s Amish Faith. I read the first few pages and was then hooked. I devoured it in a matter of days!

Amish Faith tells the story of best friends – Rebecca, raised Amish and Faith, raised Mennonite. Although they have been raised in very different households, their friendship bonds them together from childhood. When the unthinkable happens, can Faith keep a life-altering promise to Rebecca? Does Faith have what it takes to press through the darkest of days? You must read and find the answers – you will be captivated until the very end!

Again, this book is a jewel. Price’s attention to detail and careful crafting of each character are above par. I am particularly thankful for the refreshing storyline. This is definitely not your run-of-the-mill “bonnet book!” Treat yourself to a good read and buy Amish Faith today.

To Purchase A Copy Of Amish Faith Click Here

Susan Ferrell and her husband make their home in the Atlanta Metro area. Although Susan struggles with chronic migraine headaches, she stays very busy as a stay-at-home mom to one very precocious little girl. While catching her breath, she feeds her Amishaholic tendencies by reading vast amounts of Amish literature!