Author Interviews

Interview and Giveaway with Kathy Fuller

I am so excited for our special guest today! Kathy Fuller is here to talk about her newest book Faithful to Laura which will be available on August 7th. She is also offering one lucky reader the chance to win a copy! If you would like to win please leave a comment for Kathy on this post. Good Luck to all and Happy Reading!

Why don’t we start by you telling us a little about yourself?

My husband James and I have been married for nineteen years. We have three children, Matt, Sydney, and Zoie. We live in Northeast Ohio and love it here! I also live near several Amish settlements: Middlefield, Ashtabula, and Holmes. I grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas, and am a former special education teacher (teaching the blind and visually impaired). I like to travel when I can. I’m also a thyroid cancer survivor.

Can you tell us about your upcoming book?

Faithful to Laura is the second book in the Middlefield Family series. Laura is out to seek revenge against Mark King, but when she meets Sawyer, a Yankee who was adopted by the Amish when he was fourteen, she reevaluates her need for vengeance, which allows her to open her heart to love.

Are you reading any books right now? Do you read other Amish fiction authors?

I usually read outside the genre I write. I’m reading a nonfiction book right now about writing, and also Tamera Alexander’s latest novel.

Have you ever visited an Amish community to do research for your books?

Yes, I’ve visited several, and often go to Middlefield (where most of my books are set) to do research and enjoy Amish country.

What is one thing about you that readers would be surprised to learn?

I played baritone saxophone in my college jazz band.

If you couldn’t be a writer, what would your ideal career be?

Teacher. I’m blessed to have done both!

Who or what inspired you to become an author?

Reading. I love to read, and out of that love grew an interest to tell my own stories.

What’s your favorite thing about being an author?

Finishing the book!

Do you have anything else that you would like to share?

I will be giving away a quilt made by Karla Hanns, a reader who made a prayer quilt for me while I was undergoing cancer treatment. She created this quilt especially for the contest to celebrate the release of Faithful to Laura. To enter the contest, please visit my website: and send me an email saying you’d like to sign up for my newsletter. You can also sign up for the newsletter at my facebook page:

What’s next for you?

I’m working on Letters to Katie (formerly Courting Katie), the third book in the Middlefield Family series.

Thank you so much for stopping by Kathy!

Contest rules are simple.

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Contest starts today and ends August 3. Winner will be announced August 4.